
Monday, May 24, 2010

All shiny and (almost) new: Dishwasher

Chris works for New Latitude Movers as the marketing director.  They're awesome, use them for your next move!  You see...the great thing about being in the moving business, is people are always trying to sell or giveaway their stuff.
So far we've been offered a couch, we've got an awesome brand new baby bed in storage, Chris got a skeet thrower, and we just purchased a top-of-the-line dishwasher and refrigerator for next to nothing!
The refrigerator was way to big and flashy for our little kitchen, so we're trading it with my sister for their washer and dryer (they're moving).

Anyway, it took Chris (with a little help from me) about 4 hours to switch out the dishwashers.  But the results were so worth it!

Old dishwasher...
Trying to get the old one out...
This was an ordeal because there are about 5 layers of floor in our kitchen that were trapping our dishwasher back in the hole.  We spent out two hours trying to get it out.  
Almost there...
(We spent about 2 hours trying to get the new one in)

We weren't able to get it perfectly flush to the cabinets, but one day, we'll probably replace our floor and countertops, and then we'll be able to slide it in and out a little better to get it flush.  
It makes such a difference...but really shows how old fashioned our cabinet doors are...but that'll be another project.


  1. love all the latest posts and the new heading!

  2. I came over from DIY showoff and I love your bathroom! You do an awesome job with colors. I love your old kitchen cabinets painted they are so cute. I'm in Auburn, from the looks of your blog you aren't a fan ;) Can't wait to follow your blog!
