
Friday, June 18, 2010

Backyard Planter

Sometimes my mom will get me something and say "I got you this _____.  It should go in the _______, next to the ________, on top of the _________ that I got you. 
Usually it works out, because it'll be something that wasn't really on my radar at all, and so if she wants to contribute it's just an added bonus. 

She brought over this planter (specifically intended to go in our backyard on our patio).
The next day she dropped off the exact plants she wanted me to plant in it. 
So all I had to do was get to work...
BeiBei was getting SO EXCITED about her new flower buffet! 
You see, I probably could have told my mother that BeiBei MIGHT destroy this.  But there's a famous expression in our family, "You didn't Ask."
Hopefully, BeiBei will be able to resist, cause isn't it fun & pretty...?
Good Job, Mom!  Thanks for the backyard addition. 
I'll post another picture once it's grown a bit.


  1. your mom is so creative! and you are the perfect executor of the plan! that looks so fabulous!!!!!

  2. Sara - I need to know the names of these plants... I love how this looks! and are they partial shade? Direct sunlight?
    Thanks! Hope you're doing good! - maranda

  3. Is that Lantana in the middle -- with the yellow flowers? If so you will LOVE it. I planted some last year and it actually loves the heat and looks better when it's not watered much (but mine is in the ground). It will come back next year if you just trim it to the dirt in the fall!

  4. Okay, Maranda & Jennifer...Here are the plants...

    Grassy stuff: Purple Fountain Grass
    Yellow flowers: Lantana
    White flowers: Angelonia
    Orangy Flowers: Zinnia
    Trailing Stuff: Silver Falls

    Jennifer, thanks for the great tip on lantana!
