
Monday, June 14, 2010

Please Vote!

My sweet, sweet nephew Beau (age 5) was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy about 2 1/2 years ago.  This has been heart breaking for his parents and our family, because unless they can find a cure, this disease is terminal.  Currently, Duchenne MD is the #1 genetic killer of boys.  God is sovereign though and is gracious to show his love and comfort to us and to Beau!  The researchers are making some very promising breakthroughs (even new developments in the last few weeks), so we are very hopeful!  But they need more money and support to keep going with the research!!!
Winning the Pepsi Refresh Project will fund an entire year of Duchenne research!  
Please click on this link to vote!  
Please vote everyday!

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