
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Extra! Extra!

I was interviewed last week by Elizabeth Bernstein for her column in the Wall Street Journal.
She wanted to know all my opinions on the stock market and the economic downturn.

Just kidding.

But I was interviewed.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am QUIRKY.  Well, I was interviewed for the life and style column about how my quirky eating habits have affected my relationship with my husband, Chris.

Click here to read the article, and it is also printed in the paper from Tuesday, July 13 2010.

And to clear the air, I'm not really "passing Chris" in variety of foods, we have just noticed that I like bolder flavors & combinations than he does.  But her version makes for a better story!  :)


  1. that is hilarious! how did that happen?

  2. Loved the article! Some of those stories were really sad. I mean food habits can steal our joy in relationships people... so lets work on it!!!! Glad you are both willing to work on yours :)

    I loved your pictures for Chris on your 2 year!
    Now who is this journalist, and how does she know you??????

  3. Somehow she tracked down my sister Liz and interviewed her for an article. I'm not sure how they got connected. Liz told her about my quirky eating habits and so she called and interviewed me a few months later.
