
Thursday, August 5, 2010

hubby's hot hipsters (i.e. pants)

Well, I'm down at the beach with my family.  Chris stayed home to work and snuggle with BeiBei.
Yes, you got that right.  He's using my absence as an excuse to break all the rules of dog training and let BeiBei snuggle in the bed with him ALL NIGHT LONG.  Cue Music.

But, can I blame him?  Nope.  I've sort of been wondering when he would be out of town next so I could do the same.  Hmmm.

chris and beibei makeout session photo when bei was a wee lil pup

This is actually the first time Chris and I have been a part for more than a night since we were married two years ago.  It was a little weird driving off into the sunset without him!

And some how...this brings me to the topic of pants.

My husband pants.

He is a hotty-pants.

Hmm...a hipster wearing "hipsters", if you will.  (You can find the word "hipster" in the thesaurus as a synonym for pants, so bear with me).

Chris heard about these cool pants company from a good friend, Lindsey Boney (you can find his wife Sara's blog here.)

Anyway, I'm letting the cat out of the bag.  The company is Bonobos.

They are a super cool company with an awesome referral program, & rad pants.  The ninjas are cool too.  (You see "ninjas" is code for...ummm, people who work there.)  If you get referred by a friend, and/or refer a friend you get like $50 bucks off your pants or something.  They started as a pants company but now they cover the whole spectrum of men's clothing.

I'm pretty sure Chris checks their site and blog daily.  He is constantly trying to leverage his allowance to get another pair of pants.

Here are the pants that, I think, look best on Chris:
(The Corps bootcut)

Many of the pockets of their pants are this way, featuring different funky fabrics.  

They are a great departure from the straight laced average-joe "chinos" he's been known to wear.  

Based on Chris and his friend Lindsey, we know these pants look great on your slim-legged-fellas...but the verdict is out on the fit for other physiques.  Any feedback out there?

Anyway, all that to say, my hubby looks hot in these hipsters.  Shockingly, I don't have a picture of him in them...but I'll be sure to snap one on Sunday, after we run in slow motion back into each other's arms (cue music below for full effect).  (I can be 95% sure he'll be wearing a any given moment.)

I only have this one pic of him in his Bonobos shorts from our weekend in the Mtns.
(that's BeiBei's leash around his waist, not a drawstring, btw)

And if you order the following pants, I'll give you free access to my blog for life.

Seriously though, if you heard about the pants from me, and you wanna order some pants...throw my buddy a bone and email us so we can get your referral!
My boy needs wants some more pants hipsters!

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