
Wednesday, September 8, 2010, Decorating...yes!

I'm sorry I've been a less frequent blogger lately.
I blame summer and my job change.  In the past few months I took a new job at an Oriental Rug Shop.  I really enjoy it, and I'm learning a lot about design.
I am now working Monday-Friday.  At my last job I worked Saturdays, and thus always had a weekday off...perfect for blogging.  Now I have to get used to blogging at night and on the weekends.

Anyway...I'm especially MIA this week, because I am preparing to go to D.C. for a long weekend to decorate a client's new house!

Should be a blast...but I must say I am nervous for my first big out of town gig.

I'll be attempting to decorate her main floor living areas FROM SCRATCH, basically in 1 weekend!  We're going to be shopping furniture, accessories, paint colors, everything!

Thanks so much "client" for this opportunity!

Wish me Luck!!!

Here's a photo from the real estate listing of the house...
This room is now basically empty...with the likely exception of boxes...

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