
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fixin' Up the Fixer Upper...

We've FINALLY been getting some real, professional, non-DIY work to our house this week.

We needed some fixin' on the brick on our house and had some rotten wood to replace.

So I left for work on Tuesday morning, and returned to this...


Day 2 was about the same.  

But Day 3 is actually kinda nice...
We added a nifty little door so we can store things under the house.

The good news that all the rotten wood has been replaced...we can paint our house!!!

The bad news is...we have to scrape the old paint off first....

by ourselves...

like with scrapers...


But I'm not going to think about that.  Instead I'm dreaming of what it will look like when it's done.  

(lighter top, darker bottom)


(darker top, lighter bottom)

I'll remind you...the house currently looks something like this...
Except all my plants are dead. a doornail.

Which one do you like best?

A, B, or something different altogether????

Come on....chirp up.  We need a little help.

We're going for awesome resale curb appeal, so you're opinion counts!


  1. I like the darker bottom! I think that was A.

  2. i like the darker bottom as well!
    what are you thinking about the bushes on the left side? you cant see that beautiful window!

  3. The bushes are comin' down baby! I's our only window in the front and you can't see it!
    But we have to wait til we have the money to plant something in it's place.
    We have a friend who's a landscape architect and he said just get rid of all the bushes and start over.

  4. i really like B - dark on top!!!!!!

  5. Yeah, I'm gonna be a rebel and vote for the darker top also! xoxo
